
Formerly the Birchfield family blog, this space has been taken over by Sydney B., hip-hop dancer, softball player, fashion designer and youngest of the Birchfield clan.

There will be an occasional note from mom when something of interest pops up, but most of the commentary/photos/drawings will be from the young mind of Sydneyboo, diva in training.

No spelling or grammar critiques, please!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Today would have been my dad's 60th birthday. 60. It's hard to imagine what he would have been like at 60 because he will forever be 38 in my mind -- the exact age I am today. I will not spend a lot of time trying to explain all that today means in my heart. I will simply add a quotation here that explains it probably better than I ever could. It is by novelist Thornton Wilder.

"We ourselves shall be loved for a while and forgotten. But the love will have been enough; all those impulses of love return to the love that made them. Even memory is not necessary for love. There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning."

Happy Birthday, Daddy.

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